Arcturus Publishing Limited
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I KORTHET: Virginia Woolf - en inflytelserik brittisk författare och feminist under 1900-talet. Upptäck hennes verk idag!
Upptäck Virginia Woolfs tidlösa verk i denna samling. Du får insikter om kön, samhälle och tidens påverkan. Perfekt för dig som vill förstå modernismen och kvinnors kamp. En läsning som berikar din syn på litteratur och liv.
This wonderful 5-book box-set brings together the most celebrated works of Virginia Woolf, presented with vibrant contemporary cover designs.
Virginia Woolf was one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century, a member of literary set the Bloomsbury Group and one of the founders of the Modernist movement. A great stylist, she experimented with plot and structure in her novels which dealt exuberantly with her great themes: the balance of power between the sexes, England's social hierarchy and the consequences of war.
Woolf lived an extraordinary life at an extraordinary time in human history, and this classic collection contains the core of her innovative and influential output:
• The Voyage Out, a tale of love, loss and self-discovery onboard ship. • Mrs Dalloway, a moving and introspective portrait of life in interwar London. • To the Lighthouse, a modernist tour-de-force evolving from a family's trips to a lighthouse on the Isle of Skye. • Orlando, the satirical story of the life and travails of a 300-year-old man-turned-woman. • A Room of One's Own, the quintessential feminist essay on the injustices women face.
ABOUT THE SERIES: The Arcturus Classic Collections series features delightful, high-quality paperback box sets of classic works of literature with striking contemporary cover designs.
Bindning: Häftad. 8:o (132x203 mm) År: Utg. 2022. Omfång: s. ISBN: 9781398819306. Språk: Engelska
Författare: Woolf, Virginia
Titel: Virginia Woolf Collection
Förlag: Arcturus Publishing Limited
Genre: Utländska berättare
Artikelnr: 9391247
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