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I KORTHET: Hyperion: A mindblowing space opera with epic mythology, a lethal creature, and secrets that transcend time and space.
I Hyperion möter du en fängslande berättelse om sju pilgrimer som söker svar i en hotad galax. Berättelsens djup och komplexitet, inspirerad av klassisk litteratur, utmanar dig att reflektera över mänsklighetens villkor. Perfekt för dig som älskar tankeväckande science fiction.
The book that reinvented Space Opera - from the Hugo and World Fantasy Award-winning author of The Terror, which is now a chilling TV show.
It is the 29th century and the universe of the Human Hegemony is under threat. Invasion by the warlike Ousters looms, and the mysterious schemes of the secessionist AI TechnoCore bring chaos ever closer.
On the eve of disaster, with the entire galaxy at war, seven pilgrims set fourth on a final voyage to the legendary Time Tombs on Hyperion, home to the Shrike, a lethal creature, part god and part killing machine, whose powers transcend the limits of time and space. The pilgrims have resolved to die before discovering anything less than the secrets of the universe itself.
Readers are hooked on Hyperion:
'One of the best epic, old mythology, and literature inspired, mindblowing, amazingly ingeniously written space operas' Goodreads reviewer,
'The scope of imagination, wordplay, and critical analysis of humankind is astounding . . . this is a story-driven narrative, and the stories that we're given are well worth the entry into a brave, new, unfamiliar world' Goodreads reviewer,
'Hyperion has that indescribable, almost lovecraftian terror, dread and brooding present throughout' Goodreads reviewer,
'Combine the artful poetry of John Keats with a science fiction retelling of the Canterbury Tales . . . what you have is Hyperion. A masterpiece of literature' Goodreads reviewer,
'A science fiction classic . . . If you count yourself an sf fan you need to read this. If you just want to read a damn good book this is also for you' Goodreads reviewer,
Bindning: Pocket. 8:o (128x198 mm) År: Utg. 2023. Omfång: 496 s. ISBN: 9781399609500. Språk: Engelska
Författare: Simmons, Dan
Titel: Hyperion
Förlag: Orion Publishing Group
Genre: Svenska berättare
Artikelnr: 5722245
Hyperion av Dan Simmons hittar du under genren Modern & samtida skönlitteratur inom Romaner & noveller i kategorin Skönlitteratur. Hitta fler liknande böcker:
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Typ av bok: Ny bok, Bindning: Pocket
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