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Bindning: Häftad. 8:o (135x216 mm) År: Utg. 2018. Omfång: 336 s. ISBN: 9781781809938. Språk: Engelska
Master the life force within and create balance in mind and body with this groundbreaking book on charge by Anodea Judith PhD.
WE ALL KNOW what it's like to have a 'charge' about something. It's a feeling of excitement, fear, sexual arousal or irritation. But how do we use that charge for the behaviours we want to create? Charge is a word for the basic life force running through us. This force is crucial if we are to meet challenges, heal past wounds and manage the stress of modern life - and for mastering your own life force and becoming all you can be. This book makes an important contribution to the field of Energy Medicine by looking at charge as the interface between mind and body, and the missing ingredient in Mind-Body healing. It brings the reader into a deep intimacy with their own life force, as well as an understanding of how charge runs their relationships, their children, their clients and their patients. It examines how we become 'overcharged' or 'undercharged' and how to create balance through practices of charging and discharging. Each chapter gives simple exercises to put these principles into practice. World-renowned teacher, somatic therapist, bestselling author and advanced yoga teacher Anodea Judith PhD addresses all this and more in her ground-breaking book on mastering the life force.
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Författare: Judith, Anodea
Titel: Charge and the Energy Body
Förlag: Hay House UK Ltd
Genre: Astrologi och esoterika
Artikelnr: 55087222