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I KORTHET: Penetrating Wisdom: A Commentary on the Aspiration of Samantabhadra is a clear and accessible guide to the Tibetan Buddhist Dzogchen path, offering instructions and insights for practitioners.
Upptäck den tibetanska buddhismens Dzogchen-väg och få konkreta verktyg för inre utveckling. Boken erbjuder insikter och vägledning som hjälper dig att fördjupa din förståelse av medvetande och närvaro. Perfekt för dig som söker andlig tillväxt och praktiska metoder för att nå insikt. Låt denna bok inspirera din resa mot medvetenhet.
A description of the Tibetan Buddhist Dzogchen path of awakening, with instructions and guidance for following it.
With deep compassion, sharp observations, and arresting metaphors, the Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche explicates "The Aspiration of Samantabhadra" for both new and experienced practitioners. This Dzogchen prayer explores the different manifestations of rigpa, our basic awareness in daily life, and constitutes a set of instructions for refining the path of practice. Taken from material from a series of talks in Germany and the United States, Penetrating Wisdom includes the text of the prayer, Rinpoche's always-lively commentary, and lucid answers to questions posed by his students.
This book is a commentary on an ancient, well-known Tibetan Buddhist prayer of aspiration that expounds on the Dzogchen path to enlightenment. Containing key fundamentals about the Vajrayana path--the guru-student relationship, the role of faith in Vajrayana Buddhism, recognizing basic awareness, and the notion of reality that is beyond mental concepts--this book is a clear and accessible explication of a complex system of philosophy and meditation techniques that are central to Tibetan Buddhism.
While the author is a traditionally trained master in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, he has won great appreciation in the West for his humor, familiarity with Western culture, and his unique talent for using examples that are drawn directly from Western metropolitan lifestyles. He has lived and taught in Europe and North America for many years.
Bindning: Häftad.År: Utg. 2014. Omfång: 192 s. ISBN: 9781590304167. Språk: Engelska
Författare: Dzogchen Ponlop
Titel: Penetrating wisdom
Förlag: Shambhala Publications Inc
Genre: Filosofi och religion
Artikelnr: 52034245
Penetrating wisdom av Dzogchen Ponlop hittar du under genren Tibetansk buddhism inom Religion & teologi i kategorin Humaniora. Hitta fler liknande böcker:
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Typ av bok: Ny bok, Bindning: Häftad
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903 54 Umeå