Three Rivers Press
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I KORTHET: Uncover the suppressed teachings of the original Christians and their profound spiritual philosophy in this controversial book.
Upptäck de hemliga lärorna hos de tidiga kristna och utmana dina uppfattningar om tro och historia. Denna bok vänder sig till dig som söker djupare förståelse av kristendomens rötter och dess mystiska dimensioner. Genom att kombinera modern forskning med historiska insikter ger den en ny perspektiv på andlighet. Du kommer att lämna med en förnyad insikt om tro och dess ursprung.
Why Were the Teachings of the Original Christians Brutally Suppressed by the Roman Church? • Because they portray Jesus and Mary Magdalene as mythic figures based on the Pagan Godman and Goddess • Because they show that the gospel story is a spiritual allegory encapsulating a profound philosophy that leads to mythical enlightenment • Because they have the power to turn the world inside out and transform life into an exploration of consciousness Drawing on modern scholarship, the authors of the international bestseller The Jesus Mysteries decode the secret teachings of the original Christians for the first time in almost two millennia and theorize about who the original Christians really were and what they actually taught. In addition, the book explores the many myths of Jesus and the Goddess and unlocks the lost secret teachings of Christian mysticism, which promise happiness and immortality to those who attain the state of Gnosis, or enlightenment. This daring and controversial book recovers the ancient wisdom of the original Christians and demonstrates its relevance to us today.
Bindning: Häftad.År: Utg. 2002. Omfång: 336 s. ISBN: 9781400045945. Språk: Engelska
Författare: Freke Timothy & Gandy Peter
Titel: Jesus And The Lost Goddess
Undertitel: The Secret Teachings Of The Orig
Förlag: Three Rivers Press
Genre: Filosofi och religion
Artikelnr: 51860247
Jesus And The Lost Goddess av Freke Timothy & Gandy Peter hittar du under genren Religionshistoria inom Religion & teologi i kategorin Humaniora. Hitta fler liknande böcker:
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Typ av bok: Ny bok, Bindning: Häftad
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Skiftesvägen 6
903 54 Umeå