Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm
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I KORTHET: Utforska ACT Alliances roll i kyrklig hjälp och identitet genom Ethiopien, med fokus på stöd till sydsudanska flyktingar.
Denna bok erbjuder en djupgående analys av kyrkors roll i humanitärt arbete, med fokus på ACT Alliance och dess utmaningar. Du får insikt i hur afrikanska kyrkor, särskilt i Etiopien, navigerar komplexiteten mellan hjälp och tro. Boken är värdefull för studenter och yrkesverksamma inom humaniora och kulturvetenskap, samt för dem som är intresserade av religionens påverkan på samhällsfrågor. Genom att läsa den kommer du att förstå de etiska och identitetsrelaterade spänningarna som präglar kyrklig diakoni och hur dessa påverkar stödet till flyktingar.
The thesis attends to ecclesial matters of aid by analysing the ecclesiological problem of identity and meaning of ACT Alliance. African churches are participating in aid, and Ethiopia is a good case with its intensity of church-based aid work. ACT Alliance was an ecumenical initiative to act in solidarity with people in need through coordination and collaboration. ACT, i.e. Action by Churches Together, expresses the churches growing together in koinonia. In theory, this ecclesiologically informed idea was conceptualised as ecumenical diakonia. Christian aid agencies may suffer a mission drift and loss of identity causing inner secularisation in the churches thus endangering Christian commitment to the poor. Tensions in the study signify an ambiguity that this thesis investigates through the case of the ETH141 ACT Appeal to support South Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia in 2014 with two churches in Ethiopia shedding light on the issue. The ACT forum failed to attract church funding and mobilised state funding by a consortium with a principled humanitarian approach appropriate for refugee assistance. The Maedot of 1983 from the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church and the ECMY letter of 1972 from the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus supported integral human development while criticising a donor-based approach, based on a sense of Ethiopian ownership, Christian anthropology, and the gospel. The ETH141 resembles an international crisis model, i.e. relief assistance by ecumenical specialised agencies coordinating with other stakeholders without being: integrated with the churches, intended as intra-church aid, or set up for Christian mission. Tensions indicate superficial conflict but deep concord between aid and church, and deep conflict between exclusive humanism and the churches' mission to reach every person with the gospel and life of the church.
Bindning: Häftad.År: Utg. 2024. Omfång: 344 s. ISBN: 9789188906281. Språk: Engelska
Författare: Toll, Torbjörn
Titel: ACT alliance and the refugee crisis
Undertitel: Ecclesiology and Tensions in Refugee
Förlag: Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm
Genre: Religion
Artikelnr: 51409248
ACT alliance and the refugee crisis av Torbjörn Toll hittar du under genren Historia & arkeologi inom Religion & teologi i kategorin Humaniora. Hitta fler liknande böcker:
Typ av bok: Ny bok, Bindning: Häftad
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