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Södertörns högskola

Irina Seits
Architectures of Life-Building in the Twentieth Century

Russia, Germany, Sweden

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I KORTHET: Exploring functionalism in Russia, Germany, and Sweden, this book delves into the modernist concept of life-building and its impact on mass housing construction.

  • Utforskar tre former av funktionalism genom jämförande analys av teoretiska diskurser och arkitektoniska praktiker i Ryssland, Tyskland och Sverige.
  • Nära läsningar av grundläggande modernistiska texter samt empirisk studie av avantgardet i nämnda länder.
  • Visuell analys av IKEA-kataloger ger illustrerad historik av modernistisk estetik inom massproducerade bostadsutrymmen.

Språk: Engelska

Information om Architectures of Life-Building in the Twentieth Century av Irina Seits

Architectures of Life-Building in the Twentieth Century: Russia, Germany, Sweden bjuder på en insiktsfull analys av funktionalismens påverkan på bostadsarkitektur. Du får en djupare förståelse för hur tre länder formade moderna hem och hur dessa idéer fortfarande genomsyrar vår vardag. Boken riktar sig till arkitekturintresserade och studenter inom humaniora. Genom att läsa den kommer du att uppskatta sambandet mellan teori och praktik inom modernistisk arkitektur.

The modernist concept of life-building as an architectural method for improving the conditions of everyday life originated in Europe during the 1920s. This book explores three modes of functionalism by way of a comparative analysis of both the theoretical discourses and architectural practices associated with functionalism in Russia, Germany, and Sweden. These three countries made significant contributions to the application of functionalism within mass housing construction, the overarching purpose of which was to transform the traditional home into a rational living space. This study provides both close readings of foundational modernist texts as well as an empirical study of the avant-garde heritage in Russia, Germany, and Sweden. As a special case study, a visual analysis of IKEA catalogues is presented, the purpose of which is to provide an illustrated history of modernist aesthetics within mass produced living spaces, from the era of functionalism up to the present day. Irina Seits is a researcher at Södertörn University (Sweden) with affiliation to the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES). She received her MA in Art History from St. Petersburg State University and the European University at St. Petersburg. Her interests include the architectural and urban theory of modernism, the cultural heritage preservation, and the aesthetics of everyday life.

Bindning: Häftad. 8:o (153x227 mm) År: Utg. 2018. Omfång: 510 s. ISBN: 9789188663528. Språk: Engelska

Architectures of Life-Building in the Twentieth Century av Irina Seits hittar du under genren Arkitektur inom Konst, musik, teater, film, fotografi i kategorin Humaniora. Hitta fler liknande böcker:

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Typ av bok: Ny bok, Bindning: Häftad