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I KORTHET: Upplev Neil Gaimans fängslande återberättelse av nordisk mytologi, illustrerad av Levi Pinfold, i denna fantastiska utgåva.
Upplev fornnordiska myter med Gaimans fängslande berättande och Pinfolds fantastiska illustrationer. Du får en djupare förståelse för gudarna och deras komplexa relationer, vilket ger en ny dimension till klassiska berättelser. Perfekt för både mytologientusiaster och nya läsare.
Multi-award-winning, globally bestselling author Neil Gaiman's riveting retellings of the classic Norse myths, now reinvented with epic, full-colour illustrations by Levi Pinfold. A gift from the gods of story. Ancient myths burst into thrilling, visceral life in Neil Gaiman's irresistible Norse Mythology, already a modern classic and a massive bestseller around the world. In this brand-new edition, Levi Pinfold brings his own spectacular illustrative imagination to the world of gods, frost giants, magic and betrayal, uniting two awesome talents in one glorious book. From the dawn of the world to the twilight of the gods, this is the most dazzling journey through the Norse myths, with Odin the all-father and his mighty son Thor, whose hammer Mjollnir makes the mountain giants tremble, and Loki, wily and handsome, impossible to trust. Containing the full text of the original book and a feast of colour art, it's perfect for readers of any age - as ancient as the mountains or as young as Loki's many offspring. 'The halls of Valhalla have been crying out for Gaiman to tell their stories to a new audience' - Natalie Haynes, Observer 'Brilliant. Somehow he brings us close to this world of mountains and cataracts, monsters and elves' - Sunday Times Book of the Week
Bindning: Förlagsband. 4:o (205x255 mm)År: Utg. 2024. Omfång: 256 s. ISBN: 9781526675224. Språk: Engelska
Författare: Gaiman, Neil
Titel: Norse Mythology Illustrated
Förlag: Bloomsbury Publishing Ltd.
Genre: Filosofi och religion
Artikelnr: 35690242
Norse Mythology Illustrated av Neil Gaiman hittar du under genren Forntida religioner & mytologier inom Religion & teologi i kategorin Humaniora. Hitta fler liknande böcker:
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Typ av bok: Ny bok, Bindning: Förlagsband
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