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I KORTHET: Upptäck hur Pompejis antikviteter inspirerat europeiska dekorationsstilar genom historien. En fascinerande resa genom tid och rum!
Returns to Pompeii utforskar hur Pompejis antikviteter inspirerat europeisk kultur. Du får insikter om hur historiska dekorationer anpassas och används idag. Boken passar både kulturintresserade och akademiker. Läs för att förstå kopplingen mellan dåtid och nutid!
This volume presents a series of case studies that trace the ways in which audiences across Europe have attempted to return to Pompeii by emulating its interior decorations since the city’s rediscovery in the mid-eighteenth century. As such, it is about both the impact of Pompeian antiquity on the present and the reception in the present of that antique past, exploring the variety of ways in which Pompeian domestic space and decoration have been revived (and for what purposes and audiences). The contributions to the volumes compare the ways in which Pompeian wall decorations were interpreted and adapted, given new context and put to serve new social and political purposes, both close to their place of discovery, in the Kingdom of Naples, and in the far-off European periphery, represented by Denmark and Sweden. The many images presented to the reader in this volume confirm colour, fantasy and playfulness, alongside an almost academic orthodoxy of structure, as trademarks of a defined neo-Pompeian style. The volume brings together scholars from different disciplines; archaeologists, arthistorians, pigment technicians and decorators, all of whom have participated in this collective effort to achieve new understanding and appreciation of past and present manifestations of the Pompeian idiom.
Bindning: Förlagsband. 4:o (220x275 mm) År: Utg. 2016. Omfång: 312 s. ISBN: 9789170421839. Språk: Engelska
Författare: Hales, Shelley ; Leander Touati, Anne-Marie [red.]
Titel: Returns to Pompeii
Förlag: Publikationsnämnden över de Svenska Instituten vid Rom och Athen
Serie: ActaRom-4° ; 62
Genre: Historia och arkeologi
Artikelnr: 33982210
Returns to Pompeii av Hales, Shelley ; Leander Touati, Anne-Marie [red.] hittar du under genren Konsthantverk inom Konst, musik, teater, film, fotografi i kategorin Humaniora. Hitta fler liknande böcker:
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Typ av bok: Ny bok, Bindning: Förlagsband
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