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I KORTHET: Utforska teologiska och vetenskapliga argument för en bokstavlig skapelse enligt Bibeln i detta unika samlingsverk.
Utforska hur vetenskap, filosofi och teologi samverkar kring biblisk skapelse. Du får insikter som utmanar och berikar din tro. Perfekt för den som söker en djupare förståelse av skapelseberättelsen.
Unikt samlingsverk på engelska - vad Bibeln säger om skapelsen I boken ger elva olika forskare teologiska, filosofiska och naturvetenskapliga argument för ett skapelseperspektiv - att Bibelns inledning beskriver historiska händelser som faktiskt ägt rum. Ny forskning inom bland annat geologi och genetik har styrkt en bokstavlig tolkning av Bibelns inledning - att alla människor härstammar från ett första par, Adam och Eva, som levde för cirka 6 000 år sedan, och att en världsomfattande syndaflod ägde rum för cirka 4 500 år sedan. Endorsements of “Biblical Creation on Solid Ground - Arguments from Science, Philosophy and Theology” J P Moreland It is so refreshing when Young Earth Creationists produce rigorous, intellectually sophisticated defenses and extensions of their views. This is why I welcome the release of Biblical Creation on Solid Ground, edited by two highly competent thinkers—Ola Hössjer and Samuel Lampa. Whether or not one agrees with their conclusions, intellectual integrity and loving God with our minds require us to read works that are important, well-done, and get to the heart of relevant issues. This high-level book does just that. The editors have assembled a highly qualified team of Christian intellectuals, each writing in his or her area of expertise. I welcome this addition to the debate. JP Moreland, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University and editor of Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique Pekka Reinikainen Game over Darwin. In the beginning was information, not a warm little pond! There is a revolution brewing in origin science. Genetics confirms the reality of a Y-chromosome Noah and his mitochondrial-DNA daughters-in law, Eve's descendants. Atheists' own weapon, methodological naturalism, annihilates neo-Darwinism. This book shows that biology and Christianity make sense only in the light of a recent creation. Pekka Reinikainen M.D. Paul Nelson The one who states his case first seems right,” Proverbs 18:17 tells us, “until the other comes and examines him.” Since the rise of evolutionary naturalism in the mid-19th century, the possibility that the early chapters of Genesis describe real history has been ruled out of the court of science. Thus, it isn’t so much that evolutionary naturalism speaks first nowadays - rather, naturalism represents the only voice that most people hear about their ultimate origins. This new volume, from a talented and well-informed set of contributors and editors, offers vivid testimony in reply. With chapters on the philosophy of science, the importance of creation for the Christian worldview, evidence for design in biology, cosmology, and Earth history, as well as other topics, Biblical Creation on Solid Ground gives the reader a refreshingly different perspective on key questions considered already answered by the naturalistic mainstream. Highly recommended. Paul A. Nelson, PhD Discovery Institute & Biola University
Bindning: Häftad. 8:o (170x230 mm)År: Utg. 2023. Omfång: 343 s. ISBN: 9789198659559. Språk: Engelska
Författare: Lampa, Samuel ; Gerdmar, Anders ; et al
Titel: Biblical creation on solid ground
Undertitel: Arguments from science, philosophy and theology
Förlag: STH Förlag
Genre: Religion
Artikelnr: 33637240
Biblical creation on solid ground av Lampa, Samuel ; Gerdmar, Anders ; et al hittar du under genren Dogmatik & symbolik inom Religion & teologi i kategorin Humaniora. Hitta fler liknande böcker:
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Typ av bok: Ny bok, Bindning: Häftad
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