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Arvinius+Orfeus Publishing

Olofsson Karemyr, Maria ; Choy, Yoko
Offecct + Luca Nichetto

Ordinarie pris 158 kr
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I KORTHET: Discover the collaborative journey of designer Luca Nichetto with Offecct, blending Italian flair with Swedish sustainability.

  • Insiktsfull historik: Utforskar Offeccts samarbeten med världsledande designers och berättar om idéer, design och hantverk bakom produkterna.
  • Scandinavisk hållbarhet: Luca Nichetto integrerar nordisk hållbarhet i sin italienska design, vilket diskuteras i boken.
  • Mångsidig designare: Luca Nichetto kombinerar italiensk elegans med svensk modernitet och hållbarhet, med flera internationella designpriser.

Språk: Engelska

Information om Offecct + Luca Nichetto av Olofsson Karemyr, Maria ; Choy, Yoko

Offecct + Luca Nichetto ger en fascinerande inblick i design och hållbarhet. Du får följa Nichetto från Italien till Sverige och upptäcka hur hans arbete förenar tradition och innovation. Boken riktar sig till designintresserade och ger insikter om kreativitet under restriktioner. Läs för att inspireras av hur hållbarhet kan driva kreativitet.

This book on Luca Nichetto, is the second in a series offering deep insight into the brand's long history of collaborating with world leading designers, telling the story of the ideas, design and craftsmanship behind their products.

In the book, Offecct teams-up with a number of well-known creators, such as the design writer Yoko Choy Wai-ching, China editor of the Wall-paper* magazine, photographer Björn Ceder, Andreas Ackerup and the team at Henrik Nygren Design. One can read about Luca Nichetto's first contact with Offecct in 2007 and how he adopted Scandinavian sustainability thinking into his native Italian design language. In a conversation with Dutch artist Daan Roosegaarde, Nichetto says: The more restrictions you have, the more creative you have to be. Sustainability is one of these restrictions that leads us to discover things that we have never considered before .

Designer Luca Nichetto was born in Venice in 1976, where his artistic talents were inspired by the famous Murano glassmaking industry. He went on to study at Istituto Statale d'Arte in Venezia and then take a degree in industrial design at Università Iuav di Venezia (IUAV). He took the leap to setting up his own practice in the city in 2006. Five years later he moved to Stockholm, Sweden, to start his family and open a second studio there, combining his Italian flair with the Swedish spirit of modernity and sustainability. Over the years, Luca has served as art director for many international design brands and gained a reputation as a multidisciplinary designer. His highly researched, innovative projects have earned him an many international awards for designs that range from products, accessories and furniture to architecture, exhibition design and branding.

Bindning: Klotband. 8:o (124x169 mm)År: Utg. 2021. Omfång: s. ISBN: 9789198667318. Språk: Engelska

Offecct + Luca Nichetto av Olofsson Karemyr, Maria ; Choy, Yoko hittar du under genren Konsthantverk inom Konst, musik, teater, film, fotografi i kategorin Humaniora. Hitta fler liknande böcker:

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Olofsson Karemyr, Maria ; Choy, Yoko | OFFECCT + LUCA NICHETTO

Typ av bok: Ny bok, Bindning: Klotband