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I KORTHET: Följ Ejii Ugabe i en mystisk framtid där teknologi och magi möts i hennes sökande efter rättvisa.
I Shadow Speaker möter du Ejii, en stark ung kvinna i en magisk och teknologisk framtid. Boken utforskar teman som hämnd, makt och identitet i en fascinerande värld. Du får en gripande berättelse som väcker frågor om moral och kärlek. Perfekt för dig som gillar fantasy med djup och kulturell rikedom.
Amazon Editor's Pick, Best SFF September 2023 • The Strand, Science Fiction Pick of the Month October 2023
Deluxe, expanded edition of an out-of-print early novel from Africanfuturist luminary Nnedi Okorafor, with a brand-new introduction from the author.
Niger, West Africa, 2074
It is an era of tainted technology and mysterious mysticism. A great change has happened all over the planet, and the laws of physics aren’t what they used to be.
Within all this, I introduce you to Ejii Ugabe, a child of the worst type of politician. Back when she was nine years old, she was there as her father met his end. Don’t waste your tears on him: this girl’s father would throw anyone under a bus to gain power. He was a cruel, cruel man, but even so, Ejii did not rejoice at his departure from the world. Children are still learning that some people don’t deserve their love.
Now 15 years old and manifesting the abilities given to her by the strange Earth, Ejii decides to go after the killer of her father. Is it for revenge or something else? You will have to find out by reading this book.
I am the Desert Magician, and this is a novel I have conjured for you, so I’m certainly not going to just tell you here.
Bindning: Häftad. 8:o (138x208 mm)År: Utg. 2024. Omfång: 336 s. ISBN: 9780756419011. Språk: Engelska
Författare: Okorafor, Nnedi
Titel: Shadow Speaker
Undertitel: The Desert Magician's Duology: Book One
Förlag: Astra Publishing House
Artikelnr: 31703246
Shadow Speaker av Nnedi Okorafor hittar du under genren Science fiction: apokalyps & post-apokalyps inom Romaner & noveller i kategorin Skönlitteratur. Hitta fler liknande böcker:
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Typ av bok: Ny bok, Bindning: Häftad
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