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I KORTHET: A study of the power dynamics between the Armenian and Bulgarian rulers and the Roman Church in the late twelfth century.
Between Old and New Rome: Armenian and Bulgarian Contacts with the Papacy around 1204 utforskar hur Armenien och Bulgarien navigerade relationer med påven. Du får insikt i maktspel och kulturell påverkan under en omvälvande tid. Boken riktar sig till historieintresserade och dem som vill förstå hur religion och politik vävdes samman. Genom att läsa får du en djupare förståelse för medeltida identiteter och hur dessa länder formade sina framtider.
“A burdensome matter it is today to abandon the delicate and subtle customs of the Latin people, i.e. the Franks, and to return to the dullness of the old Armenians.” Thus wrote the Armenian archbishop Nerses, not without a hint of sarcasm, when defending his endeavour to unite the Armenian Church with the Roman in the late twelfth century. What this old dullness was is less clear but it seems that Latin customs had indeed become both desirable and powerful, for this ecumenical endeavour met with success and only a handful of years later something similar occured in the Balkans, when a newly founded Bulgarian empire submitted to the Roman Church as well. The rulers of these realms would not only profess their loyalty to the Roman Church but would also carry papal banners into battle and exchange letters with the pope. This study examines how these rulers used their relationships with the Papacy, as well as how the pope used his relationship with them. It is a study of ideas and of symbolic power, of how kingdoms and empires were imagined and expressed. It is a study of the new and the old, of two new power-centres emerging from the old peripheries of the crumbling Byzantine Empire, of leaders weaving together real and imagined histories with new influences in order to establish and profess their legitimate rule. This is a Doctoral Thesis in History of Ideas at Stockholm University, Sweden 2021
Bindning: Häftad. 8:o (165x242 mm)År: Utg. 2021. Omfång: 241 s. ISBN: 9789179115043. Språk: Engelska
Författare: Thungren Lindbärg, Jonas
Titel: Between Old and New Rome
Undertitel: Armenian and Bulgarian Contacts with the Papacy around 1204
Förlag: Stockholm University
Genre: Historia och arkeologi
Artikelnr: 310932110
Between Old and New Rome av Jonas Thungren Lindbärg hittar du under genren Kristna samfund inom Religion & teologi i kategorin Humaniora. Hitta fler liknande böcker:
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Typ av bok: Ny bok, Bindning: Häftad
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