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I KORTHET: Transform your life with Spells for the Modern Mystic—a comprehensive kit for empowerment, protection, and personal transformation.
Spells for the Modern Mystic erbjuder en praktisk väg till personlig kraft och transformation. Med tydliga instruktioner och vackra ritualer kan du fördjupa din andlighet och skapa positiva förändringar i livet. Perfekt för både nybörjare och erfarna utövare.
From one of the fastest growing spiritual brands comes a beautiful spell-casting kit for modern mystics of all levels, this appealing shrink-wrapped package includes a black and gold-printed guidebook with twenty-five rituals and spells—illustrated with gorgeous specially commissioned patterns throughout and line drawings of essential symbols used in the spellwork—along with eleven candles, 3 cones of incense, and a small bottle of essential oil. Looking to boost your self-empowerment and personal protection? Would you like to enhance your personal transformation and optimize the energy of the spaces in which you live and work? Spells for the Modern Mystic holds the key to tapping into the universe to improve your life. With this deluxe gift set, aspiring and seasoned practitioners can conduct more than two dozen spells to improve all areas of life, including love, financial well-being, and personal security. In addition to the materials you need, Spells for the Modern Mystic contains a guide that explains the five essential elements of rituals—symbols, terms, and methodology, including how to set up altars—and answers frequently asked questions. It also shows you step-by-step how to set up and perform rituals and cast spells in six life areas: self-protection; ancestral power; love; transformation; wealth; and personal spaces. Discover: Protection and Clearing Rituals: Solar Shielding Ritual; Ritual Protection Bath; The Watcher’s Call; Get the F*ck Out; Oops! Reversal Ritual Ancestral Rituals: Setting Up an Ancestral Altar; Opening the Gates Ritual; Healing the Lineage Ritual; Inner Child Ritual; Family Healing Ritual Transformation Rituals: Road Opener Ritual; Kali Transformation Ritual; Empowerment of the Chakras; Ritual of Command; Ritual of Power Love Rituals: Self-Love Ritual; Removing Blocks to Love Ritual; Relationship Support Ritual; Passion Ritual; Attracting a Committed Relationship Ritual Wealth Rituals: Setting Up a Wealth Altar, Witch Better Have My Money; Job Obtainment or Promotion Ritual; Quick Cash Ritual; Jupiter Opportunity Ritual Sacred Space Rituals: Clearing a Space; Protecting a Space; Obtaining a Space; Space Blessing; Erasing Energy from a Space The full components of Spells for the Modern Mystic: A shrink-wrapped keepsake box with a magnetic closure, printed in rich black and gold and with intricate detailing on the front and spine, plus a four-color sell sheet demonstrating the contents within A gorgeously illustrated, step-by-step guide printed in black and gold 11 candles (6 black, 5 white) 3 cones of sandalwood incense 5ml of cedarwood oil
Bindning: Förlagsband. 8:o (165x210 mm)År: Utg. 2020. Omfång: 104 s. ISBN: 9780062976888. Språk: Engelska
Författare: Kelley, Knight
Titel: Spells for the Modern Mystic
Undertitel: A Ritual Guidebook and Spell-Casting Kit
Förlag: HarperCollins Distribution (UK)
Genre: Filosofi och religion
Artikelnr: 28453246
Spells for the Modern Mystic av Knight Kelley hittar du under genren Ockulta studier inom Religion & teologi i kategorin Humaniora. Hitta fler liknande böcker:
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Typ av bok: Ny bok, Bindning: Förlagsband
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Skiftesvägen 6
903 54 Umeå