Arvinius+Orfeus Publishing
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I KORTHET: PANGEA: A poetic journey through Björn Wessman's unique image world, exploring the essence of nature and our relationship to it.
I Pangea får du en unik inblick i Björn Wessmans konstnärliga resa och hans relation till naturen. Boken är rikt illustrerad och ger både insikter om konst och inspiration till reflektion. Perfekt för dig som älskar konst och vill förstå dess djupare betydelse.
PANGEA is an autobiography written by the artist and author Björn Wessman today one of Swedens most distinguished contemporary artists. In his idiosyncratic image world he seeks the essence of nature within the present, in the magic of the unfolding of events.
In PANGEA, the origin of all landscapes, the reader gets to experience how the continents once again are united in his painterly world. With a poetical abstracting glance, a sonorous colouring is created, a unique image world we can refer to, where the frontiers of natural abstraction stimulate reflection upon our own relation to nature. Wessmans art is far beyond the established representational codes. It constitutes a sort of resilience, in the form of a trust in natures own capacity to heal.
In PANGEA, we chronologically follow the painterly development of the artist in image and text, starting with the Stockholm art scene in 1981. In this richly illustrated book, Wessman writes of the working processes of the studio, of influences from other artists, of journeys to exotic places, and of his own Vindö Park, the three-dimensional painting.
Bindning: Klotband. 4:o (252x252 mm)År: Utg. 2022. Omfång: s. ISBN: 9789189270381. Språk: Engelska
Författare: Wessman, Björn
Titel: Pangea
Förlag: Arvinius+Orfeus Publishing
Genre: Konst
Artikelnr: 28294229
Pangea av Björn Wessman hittar du under genren Konsthistoria inom Konst, musik, teater, film, fotografi i kategorin Humaniora. Hitta fler liknande böcker:
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