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I KORTHET: Discover the intriguing history of fashion boots, blending style, gender, and culture in a captivating narrative.
Tyvärr är detta exemplar redan sålt.
Made For Walking: A Modest History of the Fashion Boot utforskar stövelns fascinerande historia och dess kulturella betydelse. Du får insikter om hur mode och samhälle samverkar, vilket ger en djupare förståelse för stilens påverkan på identitet. Perfekt för modeentusiaster och historiefantaster!
Social meets fashion history in the tantalizing story of the boot from the Roaring Twenties and Prohibition to online shopping and fashion blogs. Weaving together such unlikely elements as Glam Rock, the martyrdom of Joan of Arc, and the Iran-Contra scandal, it shows how the modern fashion boot plays with our ideas of gender, straddling the line between practical and stylish, between fashion and fetish. Peake, author of the popular Made for Walking blog, includes thought-provoking photos and graphs that look deeply into what boots do, and what we make them do. In the words of renowned designer Beth Levine, "Boots moved into prominence the same time The Pill did. Both were symbols of a woman’s new freedom and emancipation." Whether you’re a student of fashion history, a collector of vintage clothes, or someone who feels “five hundred times more dashing” wearing boots, this book is for you.
Bindning: Häftad. 4:o (180x255 mm) År: Utg. 2018. Omfång: 192 s. ISBN: 9780764354991. Språk: Engelska
Författare: Andy Peake
Titel: Made For Walking
Undertitel: A Modest History of the Fashion Boot
Förlag: Schiffer Publishing
Genre: Sömnad och handarbete
Artikelnr: 27343242
Made For Walking av Andy Peake hittar du under genren Sömnad & handarbete inom Hantverk & handarbete i kategorin Livsstil & fritid. Hitta fler liknande böcker: