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I KORTHET: Utforska de osynliga krafterna bakom vår verklighet och avslöja den största lögnen i WireLess.
I WireLess utmanar du dina tankar om verklighetens två världar. Boken väcker frågor om vår existens och manipulation. Du får verktyg att förstå och ifrågasätta det dolda. En tankeväckande läsning för den som söker djupare insikter.
WireLess - Revolving around The Son or the sun (Orignial title, Swedish: TrådLöst - så Långt ögat kan se) The last few years have brutally shaken our lives: but the question is what happens next? What happens to you and me: are we expected to go back to our normal routines and comfortable lives, or have we been shaken up enough to realize the existence of two different worlds: The Visible and the Invisible one. And even more: one fabricated model and one real... What is happening to the world? If there really is an invisible part behind everything that has happened, then there is also an agenda - is that agenda now settled or has it only reached a point where we have become aware of it, and in fact it is now even more relevant than ever? What is this agenda and how should we relate to it - where are we being led, by whom and for what purpose? This book is divided into two parts: - The world we live in (the structure shaped for us) - The earth we live on (the reality we must reclaim) One discovery leads to the next - and here we will unveil the biggest lie that makes all others pale in comparison: and when we see it, we will never want to be deceived again! *** *** *** Who has anything to gain by deceiving an entire world? Millions of people are about to wake up and break free - are you one of them? - Victoria Wielgaard -
Bindning: Häftad. 8:o (148x210 mm)År: Utg. 2023. Omfång: 228 s. ISBN: 9789175659329. Språk: Svenska
Författare: Wielgaard, Victoria
Titel: WireLess
Undertitel: Revolving around The Son or the sun
Förlag: Solentro
Genre: Religion
Artikelnr: 191796234
WireLess av Victoria Wielgaard hittar du under genren Religion inom Religion & teologi i kategorin Humaniora. Hitta fler liknande böcker:
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Typ av bok: Ny bok, Bindning: Häftad
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903 54 Umeå