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I KORTHET: Discover the wisdom of a cat's journey towards peace and acceptance in this beautifully illustrated tale.
Läs denna vackert illustrerade berättelse om en katt som söker mening och lärdomar om livet. Du får följa med på en resa där varje möte ger insikter om vad som verkligen betyder något. Perfekt för både barn och vuxna som söker lugn och reflektion.
Pre-order the latest beautifully illustrated tale from the bestselling author of Big Panda and Tiny Dragon, the story of a cat who taught zen...
Following the phenomenal international success of Big Panda and Tiny Dragon and The Journey, James Norbury's latest book introduces readers to a very special cat on a remarkable adventure.
"I've learnt that what we want is seldom what we need, and what we need is almost never what we want"
This is the tale of a cat who longed for peace, acceptance, and a way to make sense of the world. . .
One day he hears of a solitary ancient pine, deep in the maple forests that shroud the valley, under the boughs of which infinite wisdom can be found. So begins a journey of discovery, and along the way he meets a vivid cast of animals, from a curious hare to a chattering monkey, a tiresome tortoise to a terrifying tiger, each with their own stories to tell.
But it is only through a surprise encounter with a playful kitten that he realizes the journey has never been about a tree. . .
Told in a gentle, calming style, The Cat Who Taught Zen introduces a new cast of characters for readers of all ages to fall in love with, offering timeless wisdom wrapped up into a tale of beguiling beauty.
Bindning: Förlagsband. 8:o (192x236 mm)År: Utg. 2023. Omfång: 176 s. ISBN: 9780241640159. Språk: Engelska
Författare: Norbury, James
Titel: The Cat Who Taught Zen
Förlag: Penguin Books Ltd.
Genre: Filosofi och idéhistoria
Artikelnr: 187589232
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Typ av bok: Ny bok, Bindning: Förlagsband
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