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I KORTHET: Discover the secrets of sex magic and learn how to perform rituals for real-world results in this influential occult book.
Utforska kraften i sexuell magi med Magia Sexualis. Du får insikter i ritualer för att påverka din verklighet och skapa talismaner. Boken är perfekt för den som är nyfiken på ockulta traditioner och vill kombinera andlighet med praktiska resultat. Lär dig att använda sexualitet som en kraftfull resurs för personlig utveckling.
· Based on the practices of P. B. Randolph, occult rival of H. P. Blavatsky · Reveals how to perform sex magic rituals for specific real-world results, such as greater strength or enhancement of the senses · Explains how to create magical talismans, such as rings with specific planetary forces, how to enliven a painting and how to charge an effigy Conceived by Paschal Beverly Randolph, MAGIA SEXUALIS has been heralded as the most influential book about sex magic ever written, surviving to the present day solely through Maria de Naglowska's French translation. Published more than 50 years after Randolph's death, the authorship of this “translation” has been repeatedly called into question: While the greater part of the content can be traced to Randolph's known works, a very significant portion cannot—leading to the conclusion that this work was supplemented by Naglowska's own sex magic work and extensive occult teachings. This work from two great occult minds shows that true power of the spirit is acquired in conjunction with the power of sex—affirming that "sex is the fundamental force in every being, the most powerful force in Nature and the most characteristic evidence of God." MAGIA SEXUALIS explains Randolph's meticulous science of sex magic, practised by the Brotherhood of Eulis and the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light. Beginning with exercises to develop essential skills, the book explains in step-by-step detail how to perform sex magic rituals for specific results, such as greater strength or enhancement of the senses, how to charge and use a “volt”—an effigy of a specific person you want to influence or protect, how to enliven a painting in order to influence those around it, and how to create magical talismans with specific planetary forces, using what Randolph calls “fluid condensers.”
Bindning: Häftad. 8:o (152x229 mm)År: Utg. 2012. Omfång: 160 s. ISBN: 9781594774188. Språk: Engelska
Författare: Paschal Beverly Randolph And Maria de Na
Titel: Magia Sexualis
Undertitel: Sexual Practices for Magical Power
Förlag: Inner Traditions
Genre: Filosofi och religion
Artikelnr: 183594238
Magia Sexualis av Paschal Beverly Randolph And Maria de Na hittar du under genren Andlighet & religiös erfarenhet inom Religion & teologi i kategorin Humaniora. Hitta fler liknande böcker:
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Typ av bok: Ny bok, Bindning: Häftad
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