Dragonhawk Publishing
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I KORTHET: Uncover the hidden mystical secrets in Christianity, revealing the power of the Divine and the role of the Divine Feminine.
Occult Christ: The Hidden & Mystical Secrets Of Christianity erbjuder en fascinerande insikt i de dolda mystiska aspekterna av kristendomen. Om du söker djupare förståelse av andlighet och vill utforska den gudomliga feminina kraften, är denna bok för dig. Du kommer att få verktyg för personlig utveckling och insikter som berikar din tro och liv. En inspirerande läsning för den nyfikne själen!
In this book you can discover the hidden and mystical secrets in Christianity. Few people realise that great mystical secrets lie hidden within the teachings of Christianity, secrets to the laws of the universe and their application to our lives. THE OCCULT CHRIST reveals Christianity's origin in the tradition of the Ancient Mystery Schools from around the world. The true Christ Mysteries were a cosmic effort to restore the power and mysticism of the Divine on a personal level. One of its goals was to acknowledge and reaffirm the role of the Divine Feminine within the world and within us. They reveal how to access great power through the sacred festivals of the seasons - times in which the veils between the physical and the spiritual are thinnest. They show a way for greater self-realisation that will enhance all spiritual faiths and endeavours. THE OCCULT CHRIST will breathe new life into your spiritual foundations and help you to walk the road of shadows where secret knowledge of the soul dwells. You will : · Learn the spiritual and natural laws of greater fulfilment and prosperity · Discover the occult meaning of the cross and star · Discover the 7 masculine and 7 feminine mysteries of spiritual initiation · Discover the hidden significance of people and events in the life of the historical Jesus · Work and commune with angelic hierarchies · Gain insight into the psychic phenomena of scriptures along with the Qabalistic teachings.
Bindning: Häftad. 8:o (152x229 mm) År: Utg. 2006. Omfång: 288 s. ISBN: 9781888767506. Språk: Engelska
Författare: Andrews, Ted
Titel: Occult Christ
Undertitel: The Hidden & Mystical Secrets Of Christianity
Förlag: Dragonhawk Publishing
Genre: Religion
Artikelnr: 183577236
Occult Christ av Ted Andrews hittar du under genren Kristendom inom Religion & teologi i kategorin Humaniora. Hitta fler liknande böcker:
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Typ av bok: Förlagsny bok, Bindning: Häftad
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