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I KORTHET: Discover the power of the Celtic Goddess teachings to renew your faith in the feminine divine.
Upptäck kraften i det feminina med Clan of the Goddess. Denna bok är för dig som söker djupare förståelse för den kvinnliga gudomligheten. Genom att kombinera keltisk visdom och moderna tekniker, får du verktyg för att stärka din inre magi och skapa balans i livet. Låt dig inspireras att återfå din personliga kraft och läka själen.
Renew Your Faith in the Feminine Divine. Combining the wisdom of the early Celtic Clan, the enchantment of ancient magick and the playfulness of the Celtic spirit, this book illustrates the basic principles of Goddess teachings so seekers can develop steadfast faith in their feminine power. This groundbreaking primer weaves a rich tapestry of authentic Celtic wisdom with the brilliant-coloured threads of today's result-oriented visualization and motivational techniques. CLAN OF THE GODDESS invites you to relive those moments of true joy or bliss - moments when you were closest to the feminine divine - and brings you to your personal power base: your magick. Once your magick is claimed, this book shows you how to unburden and improve the health of your soul; to cast a Spell of Protection; to find your sacred place of healing (Nemeton); and to become personally acquainted with your Spirit Guide, firmly establishing your foundation of spiritual enlightenment and faith in the feminine divine, and in yourself. Using this Celtic magick to enrich your daily life, you can reduce the damaging influence of past sorrows and haunting shadows in order to quiet the negative voices in your mind and add essential balance to your world. You can decide exactly what you want from life, so the Goddess within can fulfil your heartfelt dreams and ambitions. C. C. Brondwin is a professional woman who has been honoured as an award-winning documentary journalist in both print and broadcast, and who has served as a senior executive at two universities; one a women's institution. Her studies include herbalism, homeopathic medicine, as well as the mythology of the Mother Goddess, Briganntia.
Bindning: Häftad. 8:o (120x180 mm)År: Utg. 2002. Omfång: 256 s. ISBN: 9781564146045. Språk: Engelska
Författare: C C Brondwin
Förlag: New Page Books
Genre: Religion
Artikelnr: 182036230
CLAN OF THE GODDESS av C C Brondwin hittar du under genren Religion & tro inom Religion & teologi i kategorin Humaniora. Hitta fler liknande böcker:
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Typ av bok: Ny bok, Bindning: Häftad
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903 54 Umeå