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I KORTHET: Renewing the Covenant: A Guide to Kabbalistic Spiritual Practice for a Direct Connection with the Divine.
Renewing The Covenant: A Kabbalistic Guide to Jewish Spirituality erbjuder djupa insikter i judisk mystik. Du lär dig praktiska meditationer och bönemetoder som förnyar din andlighet. Boken riktar sig till både nyfikna och traditionella läsare, och ger verktyg för att skapa en starkare relation till det gudomliga. Genom att följa Dr. Leets steg kan du upptäcka en modern väg in i judendomens rika andliga arv.
A guide to how meditations and principles from the Kabbalah can be used to profoundly renew spiritual practice. - Reveals transformational meditations and visualization exercises based on the profoundest truths concealed in the Kabbalah. The covenant that bound God to the Patriarchs in a special relationship of obligation and empowerment was renewed by God with Israel at Sinai and Moab. Each of these three Jewish covenants can be associated with a particular spiritual practice: the Patriarchal Covenant with Father Isaac's practice of meditation; The Sinai Covenant of Holiness with the observance of the Sabbath required in its Ten Commandments, and the Moab Covenant of Love, comprising the entire Mosaic Torah, with the practice of prayer instituted there. In Renewing the Covenant, Leonora Leet shows how this ladder of increasingly demanding and potent covenantal practices can enable one to ascend to ever higher levels of mystical Judaism. At this threshold of a new millennium, increasing numbers of people are seeking a more direct connection with the Divine. To aid such a process, Renewing the Covenant provides new paths for entering the treasurehouse of Jewish spirituality and achieving higher consciousness, paths that can deepen the devotions of both nonobservant and traditionally observant Jews. This process of covenant renewal begins with effective kabbalistic techniques of meditation combining mantra with visualization, proceeds through the return to a reconstructed Sinai Sabbath, and arrives at the culminating practice of ritual prayer whose performance can fulfill the kabbalistic purpose of creation. When undertaken in the steps laid out by Dr. Leet, this process can help many to discover forms of spiritual practice precisely tailored for the modern world, as well as a new appreciation for the rich spiritual heritage of Judaism.
Bindning: Häftad. 8:o (229x152 mm) År: Utg. 2000. Omfång: 272 s. ISBN: 9780892817139. Språk: Engelska
Författare: Leonora Leet
Titel: Renewing The Covenant
Undertitel: A Kabbalistic Guide to Jewish Spirituality
Förlag: Inner Traditions
Genre: Filosofi och religion
Artikelnr: 180284236
Renewing The Covenant av Leonora Leet hittar du under genren Judiska heliga texter inom Religion & teologi i kategorin Humaniora. Hitta fler liknande böcker:
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Typ av bok: Förlagsny bok, Bindning: Häftad
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903 54 Umeå