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I KORTHET: A book exploring the role of the church in the world, emphasizing the importance of its message and mission.
Läs Whole Church för en insiktsfull reflektion över kyrkans roll i världen. Boken bjuder in till dialog och utmanar traditionella perspektiv. Du får konkreta verktyg för att förstå och utveckla din egen tro och församling. En inspirerande läsning för alla som söker en relevant och engagerande kyrka.
Whole church, for the sake of the world. A church informs about its faith through all that it is, says and does. This threefold way of telling determines what the recipient hears. Therefore, if a church wants to be true to its mission it must constantly ask itself two questions: What is the church's calling, and what is the message it sends? How do our churches deal with this challenge? The Church is not for its own sake, but for the world, one of the analyzed documents says. It is called to be an instrument for our loving God´s plan to heal a broken world. The basic pattern is found in the Holy Scriptures, but in every time and every cultural context the Church must seek relevant ways and forms. And why not do this in conversation and with open ears to the experiences of others, and with the courage to change, if necessary?
The first part of the book is the result of such a listening. Perhaps it surprises someone that I turned to three American Catholics to listen to their experiences. Inspired by the radical message of the Second Vatican Council, they challenge their own church to a radical paradigm shift on the way of being a trustworthy church. Using the model they developed as a base, I turned to my own church, the Uniting Church in Sweden, by asking the same question battery, and the same to an ecumenical document, The Church: Towards a Common Vision. And the result? Yet another reminder that every church that wants to be part of God's mission for the sake of the world must constantly test itself in the face of the critical questions of how it faithfully can pass on its message of joys and hope to the world.
Bindning: Häftad. 8:o (155x220 mm)År: Utg. 2021. Omfång: 220 s. ISBN: 9789179692759. Språk: Engelska
Författare: Larsson, Rune
Titel: Whole Church
Undertitel: For the sake of the world
Förlag: BoD
Genre: Religion
Artikelnr: 166366236
Whole Church av Rune Larsson hittar du under genren Kristna samfund inom Religion & teologi i kategorin Humaniora. Hitta fler liknande böcker:
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Rune Larsson, en av Sveriges mest kända ultradistanslöpare, delar här med sig av sin kunskap och sina erfarenheter från ett helt liv med löpning.
Typ av bok: Ny bok, Bindning: Häftad
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