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I KORTHET: Rupert the rabbit embarks on a whimsical journey to explore Pagan traditions and the magic of the Wheel of the Year.
Tyvärr är detta exemplar redan sålt.
Rupert's Tales: The Wheel Of The Year bjuder på en charmig introduktion till säsongsbundna traditioner. Följ Rupert, en nyfiken kanin, när han upptäcker magin i naturens cykler. Boken passar perfekt för barn och nyfikna vuxna, oavsett bakgrund. Genom vackra illustrationer och berättelser lär du dig om gemenskap och tradition. En inspirerande läsupplevelse för alla som vill utforska det mystiska!
A groundbreaking story that collects, commemorates, and illuminates traditional, sacred Pagan practices and beliefs in a fresh, contemporary, and whimsical style. Join Rupert the rabbit on his adventures as he sets out to discover how and why people leave their homes to celebrate seasonal holidays in the forest where he lives. As Rupert's journey unfolds throughout the seasons, he meets owls, fairies, and old friends who teach him about the Wheel of the Year. Beautifully illustrated, this book is an excellent starting point for young children being raised within the loose structure of the various Pagan traditions. You don't have to be Pagan to be enchanted by Rupert and the magick found in his tales.
Bindning: Förlagsband. 8:o (213x239 mm)År: Utg. 2011. Omfång: 64 s. ISBN: 9780764336898. Språk: Engelska
Författare: Kyrja & Osborn Tonia Bennington
Titel: Rupert's Tales
Undertitel: The Wheel Of The Year--Beltane, Litha, Lammas & Mabon
Förlag: Schiffer Publishing
Genre: Religion
Artikelnr: 13716242
Rupert's Tales av Kyrja & Osborn Tonia Bennington hittar du under genren Religion & tro inom Religion & teologi i kategorin Humaniora. Hitta fler liknande böcker: