Grotta vidare bland nedanstående böcker med dessa ämnen och kategorier:
Allianser | Banished lands | Cosmere | Drakar | Episk litteratur | Episk fantasy / heroisk fantasy | Fantasy | Fantasy | Fantasy & science fiction | Gudar | Hjälteberättelse | Hobbit | Intriger | Kampen mellan gott och ont | Konflikter | Krig | Magi | Maktspel | Medeltid | Medeltiden | Midgård | Moralisk komplexitet | Mordor | Mörka krafter | Rand al'thor | Ringarnas herre | Roshar | Sagan om is och eld | Sagan om ringen | Strid | Skönlitteratur | Västeros | Westeros | Wheel of time | ÄventyrBrandon Sanderson skapar fantastiska världar med komplex magi och starka karaktärer i sina episk fantasyberättelser.
Träning förbättrar hjärnans funktioner: bli lugnare, fokuserad och kreativ med Anders Hansens tips.
Book ten in the Wheel of Time series: a thrilling fantasy epic of pursuit, siege, and high-stakes gambles.
Wrath concludes The Faithful and the Fallen series with epic battles, alliances, and the fate of the Banished Lands at stake.
Epic fantasy series reaches its climax as the Last Battle begins, with heroes facing their past and the fate of the world at stake.
Epic fantasy with thrilling battles, complex characters, and a richly detailed world by bestselling author Brandon Sanderson.
A young hobbit must destroy the Ruling Ring of Power to prevent the Dark Lord Sauron's evil dominion.
Epic fantasy with thrilling battles, complex characters, and a richly detailed world by bestselling author Brandon Sanderson.
Epic fantasy novel of alliances, battles, and betrayal in the Wheel of Time series.
The fifth volume of the epic modern work. Daenerys, with her mature dragons, rules a city surrounded by enemies. Tyrion seeks her, while conflicts and alliances build. The greatest dance...