Grotta vidare bland nedanstående böcker med dessa ämnen och kategorier:
Arbetarstat | Biografier & memoarer | Geografi & lokalhistoria | Intryck | Musik | Människor & bygd | Nobelpriset i litteratur | Resa | Sovjetunionen | ÖsteuropaBob Dylan's captivating memoir delves into his early years and rise to fame, offering a personal perspective on his motivations and creativity.
The Young Man is a captivating tale of an unconventional love affair that defies age and time.
Bob Dylan's The Philosophy of Modern Song is a masterclass on songwriting, analyzing the works of other artists and offering profound reflections on the human condition. A momentous artistic achievement....
Motstridiga intryck av Sovjetunionen: André Gides resa genom arbetarstaten i en bok.