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I KORTHET: A Nasty Little War: The West's Failed Intervention in Russia's Civil War - A gripping account of the ambitious and disastrous military adventure that aimed to reverse the Russian Revolution.
I A Nasty Little War får du en fängslande inblick i västvärldens misslyckade insats i Ryssland efter revolutionen. Reid väver ihop historia, absurditet och personliga berättelser som gör denna komplexa konflikt levande. Boken erbjuder en nyanserad förståelse för en ofta bortglömd del av historien, perfekt för dig som är intresserad av kulturhistoria och geopolitik. Du kommer att lämna med insikter om hur historiska misstag kan forma framtiden.
'Reid brilliantly depicts the disastrous failure of our intervention in the "Russian" civil war. The atmosphere, the characters, the absurdity are all there' Antony Beevor'Vivid and remarkably timely' Martin SixsmithFrom the bestselling author of Borderland: A Journey Through the History of UkraineThe extraordinary story of how the West tried to reverse the Russian Revolution.In the closing months of the First World War, Britain, America, France and Japan sent arms and 180,000 soldiers to Russia, with the aim of tipping the balance in her post-revolutionary Civil War. From Central Asia to the Arctic and from Poland to the Pacific, they joined anti-Bolshevik forces in trying to overthrow the new men in the Kremlin, in an astonishingly ambitious military adventure known as the Intervention.Fresh, in the case of the British, from the trenches, they found themselves in a mobile, multi-sided conflict as different as possible from the grim stasis of the Western Front. Criss-crossing the shattered Russian empire in trains, sleds and paddlesteamers, they bivouacked in snowbound cabins and Kirghiz yurts, torpedoed Red battleships from speedboats, improvised new currencies and the world's first air-dropped chemical weapons, got caught up in mass retreats and a typhus epidemic, organised several coups and at least one assassination. Taking tea with warlords and princesses, they also turned a blind eye to their Russian allies' numerous atrocities.Two years later they left again, filing glumly back onto their troopships as port after port fell to the Red Army. Later, American veterans compared the humiliation to Vietnam, and the politicians and generals responsible preferred to trivialise or forget. Drawing on previously unused diaries, letters and memoirs, A Nasty Little War brings an episode with echoes down the century since vividly to life.
Bindning: Häftad. 8:o (153x234 mm) År: 2023. Omfång: 384 s. ISBN: 9781529326772. Språk: Engelska
Författare: Reid, Anna
Titel: A Nasty Little War
Förlag: Hachette UK Distribution
Genre: Historia och arkeologi
Artikelnr: 160241
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